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The Northern Maritime Museum is a museum founded by the sailors themselves. This museum is located in the historical center of the city in Arkhangelsk, where the main port was previously located. The museum is located in the building of the former sea station.

The sailors had a very important task - to recreate ancient traditions, with which they certainly coped. After all, they created an amazing museum dedicated to the marine development of the North.

An interesting fact is that the exposition space is made in the style of a sailing ship, where all the elements are made as an internal and external device of the ship.

Now the museum has about 23,000 thousand exhibitions. There are various monuments, museum values, a large exhibition of sea knots.

Address: 163000, Arkhangelsk, North Dvina Embankment, 80

Phone number: (8182) 20-54-95

e-mail: sevmormuz@mail.ru

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