Все резюме
Алексей Синичников

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Желаемый регион работы
worldwide / any
Вид судна
63 Лет (26.09.1962)
Место проживания
Находка, Россия
+* (***) ***-**-**
Желамая ЗП
700 000 руб/мес
Личные качества
Reliable / trustworthy / hardly protecting oenr's interests
Знание английского

Чтобы открыть звездочки вам нужно авторизоваться 

судовождение, инженер-судоводитель

Морской технологический колледж (МГУ имени адмирала Г.И. Невельского)

1979 - 1985

Опыт работы
Период службы:
Май 2022 - Июль 2022
Срок службы:
1 месяц
Trading area: Mexico - USA Pacific coasts Cargoes carried: Gasolines, ULSD. Inspection passed: USCG + California State Land Comission for compliance with California state renvironmental equirements (in port Long Beach, USA)
Chios Star
Период службы:
Июнь 2021 - Декабрь 2021
Срок службы:
6 месяцев
Trading area: around all Europe (Greece, Turkey, Georgia, France, Estonia, Finland, Netherlands, Danish, Belgium, incl Turkish + Danish Straits + Baltic Sea), Brazil, Argentina, La-Plata River, South Africa, West India coasts. Cargoes carried: Naphtha, Gasolines, Jet A-1, ULSD, Soya Bean Oil. Inspections passed: LUKOil vetting in Mumbai.
Ionian Star
Период службы:
Август 2020 - Декабрь 2020
Срок службы:
3 месяца
Trading area: SE Asia (Manila - Hong Kong - Brunei - S'pore -Malaysia), Indian Ocean, Gulf of Guinea (Nigeria, Togo), Spain Cargoes: Gasolines, Haphtha, Aromaics Hydrocarbons. Inspection passed: ENOC vetting in Singapore Also pls let me introduce / advise my experience: Whole of my life I work on tankers only (product, oil, chemical type 3 / 2 only). In Master's rank since 1997. 1) Ice Navigation Experience: Russian Arctic sector, all frozen Russian east and west seas, including sailing under ice breaker's assistance in convoy, also around Newfoundland (with icebergs). One time (Jan-Feb 2006, m/t "South Point") had been engaged by "Daxin" / "Rosneft" as a captain - sea ice pilot to make one voyage in heavy ices around Sakhalin Islands oil fields + to check / report just built vessel ability to work in above said area and to study ship's officers to navigate in ice, 2) Ship-to-Ship Experience (areas): North Pacific, South Atlantic oceans, Mediterranean / Black Seas, Mozambique coast, Singapore Strait, Gulf of Guinea (Nigeria, Togo) 3) Have experience of shipment chemical cargoes under nitrogen blanket as well as with inhibitors and heating (both with deck heat exchangers and with heating coils / thermal oil). 4) Parcel Trade experience (max quantity of different cargo grades transported during one voyage) – 18 (more than 50 B/L parcels). For the cargo carried - pls refer / open attached to my CV file in section “Others” 5) Long term time-charters: Shell, ExxonMobil, Petronas, Cargill, ST Shipping, PDVSA ("Petrolero de Venezuela S.A."), ARAMCO, 6) Single Point Mooring (Buoy) Experience - Yes, 7) Wall Wash experience - Yes, PTT Experience - No, 8) Tank's passivation Experience - No, 9) Vetting Inspections passed: Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, ChevronTexaco, Petronas, LUKoil, Cargill, ENOC, KPI, BHPB, ARAMCO, Equinor, also CDI, USCG (for TVEL granting and for compliance with California state regulations), AMSA, 10) Trading areas: Worldwide (Including full range of Russian Arctic and Aleut islands), except Antarctic area, Magellan strait (area to South from / between B'Aires and Arica / Chile) and Pacific coasts of Canada, 11) Dry Dock experience: only one time - Sembawang, Singapore (in ch/off rank 1993), 12) Shipyard experience (delivery of the new buildings) - No, but have experience (in master's rank) of exploitation / operation of tanker under on one-year guarantee period after delivery, 13) Cargoes carried: - crude oil with COW operations, almost all grades of dark petroleum (fuel oils, vacuum and dark deep cracked gasoil) and clean petroleum (gas and diesel oils, ULSD, Jet A-1, kerosene, naphtha, condensate, reformate, base fuel, gasoline, alkylate, Cat Cracked Spirit, Aromatics Hydrocarbons, different grades of base components for making Naphtha/Gasolines) products, - vegetable products (almost all grades of crude and refined oils: palm / stearin / kernel, corn, rapeseed, canola, soya bean, sunflower), - molasses, - tallows, - Palm Fatty Acids (FAME, SME - so called biodiesel), - chemical products (Styrene Monomer, Benzene, Paraxylene, Methanol, Ethanol, mono Ethylene Glycol MEG, light diluted acetic acid, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether MTBE, acetone), 14) Cargo Pumps Experience: Deepwell / Submerged FRAMO, Marflex (electrical driven), centrifugal / crew (electrical / steam driven) + worked with AUS (auto unloading system), 15) Tank's coating type experience: Epoxy, phenolic epoxy, marinline (NO experience on stainless stell tanks). With deep respect / best regards / sincere Yours Alexey SInichnikov
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